Different kinds of buildings require different types of roofing. From residential houses to commercial skyscrapers, having the proper material is necessary to ensure longevity and durability in a roof. This article talks about the several kinds of roofing sheets available for use in construction work.

Manufactured from a wide range of materials, roofing sheets generally serve as your first line of defense against high-winds, rain, and even extreme heat. Depending on the building structure and environment, you would need to utilize the right type of roofing sheet or panel to create a sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, and durable roof.

In this guide, we go through the different types of roofing sheets and panels that you can use for your construction projects.

Types of Roofing Sheets

While the main purpose of these roofs is to protect vulnerable areas and components of your structure, the different kinds of roofing sheets also have their own strengths. Some projects will also require a combination of materials to thoroughly fulfill the project’s needs.

From classic Asbestos Cement (AC) sheets to modern roofing materials, here’s a rundown of the most commonly used types of roofing panels used in construction and some of their pros and cons:

GI Roofing Sheets

Also known as Galvanized Iron, GI sheets are the primary roofing type used in the Philippines by most common households and commercial establishments. These sheets have been treated and coated with zinc in order to provide the base steel and the inhabitants within with protection from heat.

Though these provide solid protection against the elements like leaves, branches, and rain, galvanized iron roofing sheets eventually corrode and rust when repeatedly exposed to humidity and moisture over time. GI sheets are an effective short-term roofing solution in the Philippines, but may suffer overtime during our tropical climate.

AC roofing sheets

AC is the oldest and one of the most commonly used types of roofing sheets in construction. AC roofing sheets are strong and easy-to-install sheets used for warehouses, factories, and housing projects. These rarely break and do not deteriorate as fast as metal sheets.

AC roofing sheets are also incredibly low maintenance. Once installed, AC sheets required no replacements or maintenance–which makes this a viable option for those looking for a cheaper roofing material. The biggest drawback to AC roofing sheets, however, is the presence of asbestos which could cause respiratory problems due to long exposure.

Color-coated roofing sheets

When it comes to picking your roofing sheets and panels, aesthetics do come into play. There are many different types of roofing sheets that you can choose from–and sometimes the deciding factor lies in a material’s aesthetic quality. That is exactly where color coated roofing sheets come in.

Color coated roofing sheets are made from lightweight metal roofing sheets, usually from aluminum and other steel or alloy sheets, coated with galvalume. These roofing sheets come in a range of vibrant and highly-pigmented colors. These colored roofing sheets are anti-corrosive and resistant to rusting, making them perfect for homes, gardens, and everyday structures.


Metal roofing sheets are also a usual option in construction, with aluminum being one of the most common metal roofing materials used. Aluminum, like other types of metal roofing sheets, has greater resistance to weather and even fire. It’s also a good option for those looking for longevity in their roofs because of its anti-corrosive properties.

Aluminum is a good and affordable option for industrial roofs, gardens, or garages. It is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. It’s also quite common, which means you won’t have to worry about aluminum roofing shortage anytime soon–especially when you have a trusted aluminum composite panel supplier.


If you’re looking for roofing materials that will let the sunlight shine in while keeping the UV rays out, then consider using polycarbonate roofing sheets. Polycarbonate sheets are light, yet durable sheets that come in various thicknesses and qualities. It is made from amorphous thermoplastic, which is what primarily gives polycarbonates its transparency and makes it perfect for a skylight roof.

With its strength, flexibility, and aesthetic quality, polycarbonate roofing sheets are a prime choice for almost any structure that would need to maximize the light. Greenhouses, patios, and even industrial buildings or malls use polycarbonate roofing sheets in their construction. Unfortunately, polycarbonate roofing can be quite expensive so an expansive polycarbonate roof isn’t quite common.

FRP roofing sheets

Made from special resins and fibers, fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP), also called fiberglass, is a great alternative to concrete, steel, and metal roofing sheets, which comes in a corrugated form and a variety of colors and designs. Fiberglass has resistance to corrosive and aggressive chemicals, as well as liquids and alkalis, making them excellent options for a variety of applications including, but not limited to, architectural roofing, skylights, wastewater treatment facilities, and even pools.

Many individuals have compared FRP and polycarbonate roofing sheets. However, if you’re quite new to the polycarbonate vs fiberglass debate, then their main difference is that the latter is opaque and relatively cheaper, compared to concrete, steel, metal, and polycarbonate sheets.


Polyvinyl chloride, more commonly known as PVC, is an excellent option for those who need roofing sheets and panels that embody longevity. Among the many kinds of roofing sheets, PVC is quite known for its resistance to weathering, chemical rotting, corrosion, shock, and abrasion. It’s also waterproof and lightweight, making it a popular choice for a variety of applications.

Made from thermoplastic polymer, PVC ranks high among the different types of roofing sheets and panels. Prices for PVC remain competitive, and thanks to its undeniable cost-effectiveness, it’s quite absolute that you’ll find a PVC supplier in your area. If you’re looking for a lightweight and versatile roofing panel, then this material is definitely for you.

Bitumen roof sheets

If you are searching for the best roof sheets for commercial and residential properties, bitumen roof sheets are one of the best contenders. Within the different kinds of roofing sheets and panels, bitumen roof sheets were designed to withstand both hot and cold temperatures. Distinguished by its distinctive rolls, these sheets are waterproof thanks to its bituminous waterproofing film.

The biggest drawback to bitumen roofing is that it tends to absorb heat more. This is especially disadvantageous during summer, but can be complemented based on the other materials you use in your structure.

The Perfect Roof for Your Next Construction Project

Finding an appropriate roofing material can be a meticulous process, just like picking out the colors of your walls. Thankfully, construction projects aren’t just limited to AC or metal panels for their roofing these days. With so many kinds of roofing sheets and panels available, finding the perfect roof for your structure has become a little easier.